What is Feldenkrais?
The Feldenkrais method is one of the most intelligent approaches to the human body and its movement - It teaches one how to use his body in an organic way, how to improve the quality of movement by increasing awareness of the self and exploring more movement possibilities. The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), physicist, engineer, martial artist, educator and researcher. The Feldenkrais Method is practiced by A.T.M (Awareness through Movement) - a verbally guided group movement lesson and FI (Functional Integration) - consisting of one-on-one lessons.
“Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our BELIEF that they are so...”
alon's holistic approach to Body Work
In the past 12 years Alon has developed a one-on-one bodywork technique based on the Feldenkrais method combined with his extensive experience in Contact Improvisation, Alexander technique, Tango, Reiki, Theta healing, Voice & Movement Improvisation, Somatic Experiencing, the Polyvagal theory, mindfulness and much more. Alon believes that through his holistic approach to Feldenkrais one can re-learn the primary understanding of the body, helping one to deepen his relationship with the nerves system, heal trauma stored in the body and expand movement in all parts of their life. His basics intention is to bring movement into people's daily life - to dance life.